Friday, October 12, 2012

Week 5: I Need To Come Up With Better Titles

Yay for exciting weeks! This weeks email was so interesting and so much better than his last two. Still no pictures, but Elder Clayton has had quite the week! I'm excited to share his email with you guys because your minds will be blown! Haha not really but I do think y'all will find it very intriguing.

I'll stop talking so you can start reading. Enjoy!

"Last Friday I started to lose hearing in my right ear, it kept happening.  So I went and had the doctor take a look at it and he thinks it is swelling from the sore throat I had.  So my companion and I had to walk down to the BYU medical center to pick up some drugs.  It was so nice to get out of this place for a half hour!  I'm doing better now."

"Then Conference, that announcement was crazy, we all watched it in the gym and when President Monson said 19 for girls, all 2,000 missionaries started to go crazy.  It was the hot topic for the rest of that day, so many sisters are kinda mad, the sisters in our zone wish they made the announcement two years ago.  Anyway, the rest of conference was amazing.  I don't think I have ever had a conference like that in my life!  That night we had a fireside and Chad Lewis from the NFL came and talked to us about his life which was way sweet!"

"So on Tuesday Elder David A. Bednar came and talked to us at our devotional, and told us this is why the decision was made now and not two years ago, he shared with us this line, "The lord can do his work, and he can hasten his work at his time."  For the rest of his talk he talked about how to study conference talks which was super awesome."

"Then on Wednesday we found out a lot more about changes happening, first they expect that missionary count will double within the next two years, so it will go from 53,000 missionary's to over a 100,000 missionary's.  We keep hearing that they are going to be opening the China mission soon.  They expect the sister missionary count to triple.  They don't know how to handle it, the MTC is already packed as it is.  Also MTC stay times have been cut by 1/3, so if you are here for 12 weeks you are now here for 9, if you are here for 9 weeks you are now here for 6, and if you are here for 3 weeks you are now here for 2.  Crazy!"

"Wednesday night was bad, so we were at gym playing frisbee and we had about 5 or so frisbees flying around.  Well, one of my roommates, Elder Barr, got smacked it the mouth with one and lost his two front teeth.  So him and his companion are at the hospital all of today.  No good…"

"Anyway, for my exciting announcement, I am going to Boise Idaho!! YAY haha I have to make a one day flight up there to pick up my visa from the Mexican Consulate.  I leave the MTC at 4:30 tomorrow morning.  The best part is that I'm going to be able to get some real food!! Taco Bell here I come!"

Con amor, Elder Clayton

His e-mail was sent yesterday so as of today I'm wondering the following which I will ask him in my next letter. First thing, did he ever get the Taco Bell he really wanted? I hope his ear is feeling better and if everything is back to normal with his medical issues he's been seeming to have since he entered the MTC over a month ago. Was he actually able to speak to Chad Lewis? That would be really cool and if he did I hope he got a picture so I can put that on his blog that would be cool to see. I need to ask him to send some more pictures. 

As always thank you for the prayers and the thoughts. Please feel free to write Elder Clayton I know he would love to hear from you! Until next week, have a great evening!

 Address and E-Mail:

Elder Ryan James Clayton 
MTC Mailbox # 302
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

God Be With You Till We Meet Again... 

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